Ex-Vasco e hoje no Bayer Leverkusen, Paulinho é eleito o melhor jogador da rodada da Bundesliga
Segunda-feira, 09/03/2020 - 21:38
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@bayer04fussball-Youngster @PaulinhoPH7 ist der Rookie of the Matchday 25!

Wer wurde für den #BLRookie des Monats Februar nominiert? Um 16 Uhr startet das Voting!


Bundesliga English @Bundesliga_EN
Paulinho marked his first #Bundesliga start with two goals and an assist. He's our Rookie of the Matchday 25! ?

Who has been nominated for February's Rookie of the Month? ? Find out at 4 p.m. ?

#AWSxBundesliga #BLRookie

Fonte: Twitter Bundesliga